Haartransplantation in Istanbul
Die neuesten Techniken in der Haartransplantation
Die Türkei kann als das beste Land der Welt für Medizintourismus angesehen werden. Alpha Clinic ist das beste Haartransplantationskrankenhaus in Istanbul. Wir führen Transplantationsoperationen unter der Aufsicht erfahrener Ärzte in einer sterilen Umgebung durch.
Vorgespräch: Zunächst führen wir mit unserem Patienten ein Vorgespräch. Dann legen wir die anzuwendende Behandlungsmethode fest. Wir wählen jede Haartransplantationsbehandlung entsprechend unserem Patienten aus. Während einige Behandlungen keine Rasur erfordern, werden andere Methoden angewendet, da einige unserer Patienten fortgeschrittene Haarprobleme haben. Daher variieren die anzuwendenden Behandlungen von Person zu Person.
Auditanalyse: Notwendige Tests werden vor Beginn der Behandlung durchgeführt. Im Lichte der erzielten Ergebnisse wird die Person darüber informiert, welche Methode angewendet wird, und ihre Zustimmung wird eingeholt. An dieser Stelle ist es sehr wichtig, dem Experten gut zuzuhören. Daher können wir sagen, dass die Kommunikation der Ausgangspunkt der Behandlung ist.
Operation: Notwendige Sedierungs- und Anästhesieanwendungen werden während der Operationsdauer von 6-10 Stunden durchgeführt. Nach einer Erholungszeit von 7-10 Tagen erreicht das Haar nach ca. 1 Jahr wieder seinen natürlichen Zustand.
Allgemeine Merkmale unseres Haartransplantationszentrums: Entspricht den Standards der Weltgesundheitsorganisation Über 11.000 positive Patientenreferenzen 11 Jahre Erfahrung Service-Export in 72 Länder 5-Sterne-Unterkunft für ausländische Patienten
Für weitere Informationen über Haartransplantation, bitte kontaktieren Sie uns.
DHI ist die fortschrittlichste Technik, die bei der Haartransplantation angewendet wird.
Saphir Methode
Häufigeres Pflanzen mit der Saphir-Methode
Unrasierte Haartransplantation
keine Rasur, keine Narbe, kurze Erholungszeit
Bart und Schnurrbarttransplantation
Bart und Schnurrbarttransplantation mit Hochmoderne technologie.
Haartransplantation für Frauen
Unrasierte Haartransplantatıon für Frauen
Unrasierte, natürliche Augenbrauentransplantation
Haartransplantation Vorher & Nach dem Fotos
Einige der Haartransplantation Ergebnisse unserer Gäste, die bevorzugen Alpha Clinic Turkey

Preis in 5 Minuten erhalten
Möchten Sie einen gratis Termin machen? Lassen Sie uns Ihre Telefonnummer, wir rufen Sie uns für Informationen.
Bewertungen von Haartransplantation
Alpha Clinic, mit seinem Expertenpersonal im A+ Krankenhausumgebung in Abhängigkeit von WHO-Standards, hat mehr als 12.000 positive Operationen seit 2010 zugestellt.
Before I came to Turkey, I had various worries and fears. I wonder how it will be, what kind of city Istanbul will be, especially when people come to have hair transplant, their worries increase a lot. But after I came, all my worries and fears disappeared because they welcomed me at the airport, the hotel was wonderful My operation went great, the result is amazing. Thank you to Alphahair. You can come to Turkey with peace of mind and have an operation in Alphahair.
A. EmmanuelThe result is amazing -
A wonderful operation took place and the team was great and their attention was amazing. I didn't have any problems with the hotel and the transfer. They hosted me well with my family. The translator, who speaks French, took care of me constantly during and after the operation. Thank you for everything. Alphahair is the right decision in hair transplantation. Do not have any worries about coming to Turkey and staying in Istanbul.
X. VideloupA wonderful operation -
I had several fears and concerns before coming to Turkey. Is everything going well this past, how can the city of İstanbul be and of course the operation... But as soon as I arrived, all my stress and come back down because the driver was waiting for me at the airport, heading to a magnificent hotel in the center of the city. My operation went very well. Many thanks to the whole team and especially to my interpreter who was really on top. I therefore recommend this clinic. You can be reassured
N. NevesMy operation went very well -
In a word, Turkey is wonderful. Alpha Clinic is wonderful, its team, hotel and transfer are wonderful. Alpha clinic is a choice you will never regret. Thank you for everything.
A. ReddAlpha Clinic is wonderful -
I was very impressed with the quality, cleanliness and hospitality of the clinic, all the staff were amazing. The operation was successful.
K. ServaisI was very impressed with the quality -
A highly recommended clinic in Istanbul for hair transplant. The team is professional, the set is hygienic, the hospitality and care are premium and the results are the best! A guaranteed success of the hair transplant surgery. Totally satisfying results
P. SalibaA guaranteed success of the hair transplant surgery -
I did my hair implantation 3 months ago. I can already see the results perfectly ❤️ Tarek is the best person to reach with. And he is an amazing human being who’s kind, friendly, helpful and humble as always🙏🏽 Keep it up Tarek and the team Alpha Clinic💕
M. Hussain A GI can already see the results perfectly -
I was perfectly happy with my recent 2 day hair transplant operation at Alpha clinic. All went perfectly well and I already recommended 4 friends to go there too. It was a difficult decision to go for an operation outside of Europe but a close friend came back from Alpha clinic and was so happy so it helped my decision. If I had to do it again that’s the place Where I would go. Special thanks to Tarek for his wonderful support and follow up ! Laurent
L. KleinAll went perfectly well -
Hello I am Aleksandri Alpha hair transplant is the beste clinic in Turkye I am so happy very good clinic very good personel friendly I am so happy thank you very much alpha clinic🙏🙏🙏
A. Mullathank you very much alpha clinic -
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